I wrote the following to Ben Schumacher, founder of The Memory Project:
Ben, It was SUCH a JOY to receive your email today and see the beautiful children of Ghana receiving their portraits. I was glad I opened this alone because I was a blubbering mess of joyful tears upon seeing them. So moving to see the video and hear their voices!!! And the photos of our kids with their portraits brought such a HUGE smile to my face!! Today is our second day back at work for teacher days before students return on Monday. And I am SO not ready for summer to be over. But seeing these beautiful kids makes it all so worth it! And makes me want to do it all over again. So thank you for all that you do and for the great timing of your email, video and photos! BEAUTIFUL!
God Bless!
Kara =)
Here is a link to the video of the kids in Ghana....I LOVE this PROJECT!!
Memory Project Ghana - 2013